Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip-2006, TV

The West Wing in a T.V. Studio. Cancelled too soon.


D-£ said...

I don't know that it was cancelled to early. Social commentary worked when it was coming from the "White House." But it lost me a little when pouring from a TV exec. I liked it but not nearly as much as The West Wing.

Jeremy Ryan Carr said...

See I thought this show was terrible. The entire show was so full of itself and so self-aware. 30 Rock is a MUCH better show with a similar concept and its actually funny. Plus: Alec Baldwin.
Tina Fey famously broadsided “Studio 60” by referring to her own dress at an awards show and claiming to have heard that Sorkin was wearing the same dress, only “longer and not funny.”

B. said...

Yeah, that was hilarious!

Also, "Every time I meet a new person I figure out how I'll fight them."